The Secret to Easy Income Tax Preparation Phoenix Professionals Need to Know

Tax Preparation

Tax season can be stressful and taking the time to prepare, organize information, and write checklists will not only remind you which documents you need but it will save you time. There are many articles and checklists available online but My Tio Rico has already done the research and is here to help with tips tax preparation Phoenix professionals need to breeze through everything with no problems at all. (more…)

Super Bowl Sunday Party Ideas on a Budget!

Get Cash Fast with New Mexico Title Loans

As the Denver Broncos and the Carolina Panthers gear up to face each other for the second year in a row many fans are planning and preparing for the big Super Bowl party. No matter if you love the Broncos or the Panthers you’re bound to love the gathering of friends around tasty food to watch the big game. Heck, maybe you’re there for the commercials or to watch Coldplay in the halftime show. No matter what your reason is, hosting your Super Bowl party could be expensive but doesn’t mean you need to stress you out. Here are some party ideas that everyone will love and won’t make you go broke and feel deflated (haha). (more…)

Stay Committed to Your Financial New Year’s Resolutions

financial planning

If you are like the majority of people, you most likely decided to turn over a new leaf by making New Year’s resolutions. We are a few weeks into January and by now, some resolutions may have stuck and some may have not. Whether you resolved to eat healthier, exercise more, spend less money, or pay off debts, the point of this blog is to encourage you to stick with it! It’s okay if every day isn’t perfect, but it’s all about balance. Maybe it’s too chilly in the morning to go out jogging; so go to the gym instead. If you go out with friends to have a beer, fill up on a healthy salad first. (more…)

Tio Rico Te Ayuda Launches New Website

Tio Rico Homepage Image

Tio Rico Te Ayuda invites visitors to explore their new website which has been designed to provide the ultimate user-friendly experience. With easy to use navigation and improved functionality throughout, the new website allows easy access to detailed product information, services, and resources.


3 New Year’s Getaways in California

huntington beach

The holidays are officially over, and it’s time to get away from Los Angeles and regroup for a weekend. Whether you escape to a coastal resort with scenic views of the beach, a cozy mountain hideaway, or a relaxing and restorative spa retreat, the Golden state has some of the best experiences to offer. (more…)

How to Save on Your Perfect Winter Wedding


Winter is a romantic, magical season for a wedding! Perhaps the winter months may not seem ideal for a wedding but if you haven’t set the date yet for your big day, don’t rule out December, January, and February. Even if you always dreamed of having a sunny summer wedding, read our tips on How to Save on Your Perfect Winter Wedding below. These tips might just convince you that the winter season is actually the ideal time of year to say your vows.

Car Title Loans for Winter Safety

winter driving

Winter is on its way, and there’s no worse time to be stuck out in the cold with a broken-down car. Before it’s too late, it’s important to bring your car into your local mechanic for a winter car tune-up. Here is a list of things you’ll want to get looked at to make sure your vehicle is ready for the unpredictable driving conditions that are soon to come.

5 Ways Organizing Your Refrigerator Can Help You Save Money


We understand feeding a family on a tight budget or being a struggling college student can make it hard to save money. You’re probably thinking that there is no way of organizing your food in your refrigerator can save you cash each week! Actually, how you arrange the items in your fridge can help you keep food longer minimizing unneeded trips to the grocery store. The best part is, these simple tips will only take you a few minutes to do and your family can help you maintain it! (more…)

Pay Expenses With the Best Personal Loans Arizona Has to Offer

Money in Wallet | ways to save money each month

Sometimes personal loans get a bad wrap but since the financial crisis in 2008 more and more people are taking out personal loans, responsibly. But what are the causes of this sudden rise in consumers taking out personal loans? People prefer the terms that come with personal loans versus a credit card. Whether it is a better interest rate, length of loan terms or just more convenient monthly payments. Essentially, getting a personal loan makes it easier for the borrower to create and stay on a budget as well as predict future cash flows. (more…)

Send The Kids Back to School In Style With Help From the Best Loans in Arizona

School Bus


As much as we might like to deny it, summer is ending. For parents, this means that the time has come to get the kids ready to go back to school. Here at Tio Rico, we know that you work hard, but summer is expensive, and when it’s over there’s not always a lot left to spend on necessary things like back to school clothes, supplies, haircuts and everything else the kids need before they hop on the yellow bus for another year of education. Luckily, it’s easier than you might think to get everything you need while sticking to a tight budget. (more…)

3 Reasons Why Your Budget Is Not Working For You

best loan using a car as collateral

As we get older, we all try our best to manage our spending better. Growing up comes with more responsibilities, and with more responsibilities comes more expenses. Because of this, it’s important to ensure that the money we are working hard for is going towards our goals and values. But setting a budget for yourself doesn’t always work out as planned. It’s important to create a budget that is realistic for your lifestyle and you are able to stick to. Here are some of the main reasons why budgets fail and some ways to avoid them so you can start getting your finances in order for the rest of the year, and future years to come. (more…)

How to Pay for Last Minute Summer Vacations (Without Using a Credit Card!)

Beach Surf

Summer is almost over, but it’s not too late to still sneak in a vacation. You may be thinking that there is no way you can afford one more trip this summer without maxing out your credit cards. Before you pull out the plastic for your trip, you might want to explore some simple funding alternatives. With a little creativity could save you a lot of money in financing your last-minute getaway. (more…)

Having a Baby is Expensive! Tio Rico Can Help!

Pregnant Belly

Here at My Tio Rico, we’re always excited to welcome a new life into the world, so from our family to yours, congratulations to all the expecting parents. Summer and Fall are wonderful times to welcome a baby, especially in warmer climates like California, where a hot day is a perfect opportunity to turn up the air conditioning or open the windows and dedicate some time to creating an inviting new space for baby.

Big Changes on a Small Budget
A new baby means an even tighter budget, but creating a beautiful nursery doesn’t have to break the bank. Turning that spare room into a comforting space to bond with baby can be easy with a little creativity and effort. Repurposing things you already own, creating DIY works of art, and purchasing items from a second-hand store will transform part of your home into a cozy corner to spend time with your new little bundle of joy. (more…)

5 Unexpected Ways to Make Extra Money

Dollar Bill

At one time or another, we all need a little extra cash in our pocket. If you need a steady stream of extra income, a part-time job may be your best option, but if you just need a little extra cash for a vacation, home renovation, or something else, here a few ways to get the money you need. (more…)

4 Bad Financial Habits You Might Be Teaching Your Kids


If you are a parent, you have most likely seen some of your imperfections come to light through the actions or words that come from kids. Kids and teens are constantly observing what you do and also see how you manage your money on a day-to-day basis. As much as you try to teach them the best way to manage their money and make smart decisions they are bound to pick up on the habits you practice, whether they are intentional or not. It’s important to be aware of how we handle our money and that we are not only making smart financial decisions for ourselves and our family but smart decisions that we want our children to practice as well. (more…)

Want to Remodel Your House? Get a Title Loan!


It’s that time to spruce up your home. Whether it’s new paint colors on the wall or your kitchen needs updated cabinets or new appliances, these updates cost money. Get started on your project today with one of these three types of financing that will help you complete your home renovations. (more…)

How to Get Personal Loans for Bad Credit

Money | common money mistakes

We all have enough responsibilities to stress about on a day-to-day basis; the last thing we should have worry about is our credit score and not getting the financing we need when we need it most. Personal loans are a fast, easy short term cash loan where you can borrow anywhere between $100 and $1000, depending on how much you qualify for. The truth is, finding a lender that offers personal loans for bad credit can be hard to come by. The lower your credit score is, the harder it may be for you to find a loan you can qualify for. (more…)

Top 4 Best Family Summer Vacation Ideas


Our favorite season is right around the corner and we all know what that means. It’s time to start planning a family summer trip! However, coming up with a list of summer vacation ideas when you’re on a budget can be a difficult task. You want to please your spouse and family without breaking into your savings, we get it. That’s why we’ve gone ahead and done the hard work for you and created a list of our top 5 favorite family summer vacation ideas. (more…)

5 Backyard Projects to Get Started on This Weekend


Outdoor parties and barbecues are a must for warm weather. When the days are longer and warmer you’ll want to spend as much time outside as possible, so why not turn your backyard into your oasis? Here are a few simple weekend projects to get your backyard ready for entertaining guests, quality family time, or a place of rest and relaxation. (more…)

Tio Rico – A Title Loan Company That Will Save You Cash!

Hundred Dollar Bills

Getting an auto title loan with Tio Rico is so easy! We offer friendly service, require little paperwork, and you get access to extra cash, quickly. For years, our knowledgeable staff has helped individuals and families throughout Arizona and New Mexico get the money they need when they need it. When unforeseen expenses come up, instead of feeling discouraged, just stop by Tio Rico’s title loan company for help. Whether you have great credit, no credit history or bad credit auto loans are still an option for you! We will work with you step by step, but the process is quite simple. (more…)