Get a Title Loan in AZ Even with a Lien on Your Car


Obtaining a car title loan in Arizona or Nevada is a relatively easy process—even if your car title already has a lien on it. You are eligible for a car title loan on any of your vehicles or any type of motor vehicle. So, instead of selling your car for quick cash it might be worth your while to pursue a secure title loan—whether you have a lien on it or not.

What You Should Know About Registration Loans in Phoenix

registration loans phoenix

Loans can be found for just about every financial need—auto, mortgage, school, personal—and for Arizonians—registration loans. Loans vary depending on the needs of the borrowers, as do the terms and conditions of the loan. Borrowers in the Phoenix area can secure registration loans that are flexible and convenient. Registration loans are an easy, straightforward way of securing the funds you need. The process is quick without any hassles. (more…)

6 Simple Tips to Increase Your Credit Score


Low credit scores can trip you up when trying to get a car loan, a personal loan or even an apartment to rent. The good news is that there are ways that you can increase your credit score. It begins with wanting to improve your credit score, and then takes some self-discipline, determination, and focus. You will have to be proactive and most likely have to sacrifice your time and effort. To help you on your way, here are a few tips to increase your credit score. Some may help you sooner than later, but all will help improve your score to a level that will be beneficial to you and your family. (more…)

5 Practical Steps Toward Financial Freedom

emergency savings fund

Financial freedom is the goal that everyone strives for. Whether it’s paying the bills on time or banking an emergency savings fund, we all would like to move beyond the weekly grind. We all want to stop living paycheck to paycheck, of being trapped in a continual cycle of financial frustration and discontent. To be clear: the road to financial freedom is a long and winding one. It is, however, a road, and with the right directions, you can map a course that can get you to your destination.

You may have heard or read of many ways to work toward financial freedom. Setting goals are high on everyone’s list, but the key is actually taking those first steps, no matter how small, to move along the road in the direction of your destination. Though not comprehensive, here are 5 practical steps that you can take toward financial freedom. (more…)

New Years Money Loans: Securing Cash Quick and Easily

money loans

Money loans have always been a quick and easy way to secure cash when needed. Perhaps no better time to consider this is in January. Into the New Year, the holidays have wound down, and the bills have started to hit the mailbox. For many, the Christmas season, with all the gift-giving, holiday parties, celebrations, travel, time off from work, combined with increased spending that goes with it, can add up to fresh debt. That debt, on average, according to consumer reports, is just under $1,000 come January. It can quickly snowball if not paid off quickly. Why? (more…)

Learn How to Prevent Identity Theft This Season

how to prevent identity theft

Learning how to prevent identity theft can save you time, money, and serious aggravation. Identity theft can happen anytime. Your personal information can be pulled from a trash can. Your credit card number can be copied by waiters at a restaurant or clerks in a department store. Most people inadvertently give away too much of their personal information on social media, allowing any thief to ‘fill in the blanks’ once they have made an ‘in’ on who you are. As vulnerable as you are, there are still ways to prevent your identity from being stolen this holiday season. It begins with you! It is up to you to monitor your financial related accounts and personal data to protect yourself and your credit.

Below are 10 useful tips to aid and protect your personal information, which can help to safeguard your identity and your credit. (more…)

Save This Christmas: Cheap (Even Free!) Stocking Stuffer Ideas

holiday loans

The joy and excitement of the holiday season is upon us, and with it comes the season of gift giving. With so many on your Christmas list, it’s easy to spend more than you have budgeted. If you are short of cash, holiday loans are a good option to avoid encountering financial troubles or regret come January, but they can also help your save this Christmas. Don’t let the holiday season become an emotional tug of war between your purse or wallet and the lure of online and local retailers. It’s important to have a spending strategy in place to ensure every stocking is stuffed and you make it through the holiday season in financial peace. (more…)

Tips for Grocery Shopping on a Budget This Holiday Season

grocery shop on a budget

Learning to grocery shop on a budget is important, but it is especially essential around the holidays. Doing so is one of the best and easiest ways to pinch pennies, and help to ease you through the months ahead. It can be difficult. Rising food costs, combined with smart marketing can leave the most seasoned shoppers scratching their heads. However, it is possible to save, and you can take the upper hand. As you grocery shop this holiday season be proactive by having a shopping strategy in place. You will be pleasantly surprised how much money you can save. Here are 7 tips to get the most ‘bang for your buck’ this holiday season. (more…)

Learn How to Responsibly Use Personal Loans

Money in Wallet | ways to save money each month

Personal loans are one of the more popular kinds of loans for consumers in Phoenix, AZ (or anywhere for that matter). This type of loan is a form of credit used for a specific purpose. It is unsecured, meaning, there is no collateral when borrowing as in the case with a mortgage or car title. All that is required by the lender for a personal loan is your credit score to determine eligibility, credit limit, and what the interest rate on the loan will be. (more…)

Shopping Season Tips: Avoid the Pitfalls of Fraud

how to avoid fraud

With the holiday season approaching, how to avoid fraud should be at the top of every consumer’s shopping list. Today’s world of online banking has simplified borrowing money. Yet, the new technology has been combined with old tricks to make it easier for scam artists. Financial scammers prey the most on people who have the most to lose. They do not discriminate by age or class, ethnicity or religion, only on the uninformed. Individuals seeking loans around Christmastime are particularly vulnerable. (more…)

The Biggest Mistakes College Students Should Avoid

Credit Card

College students and fiscal responsibility. Historically, these two categories are not the best combination. College typically marks the first time the majority of students are on their own, socially, scholastically and financially. Students will face difficult financial decisions when it comes to money management, as they have to balance tuition, books, supplies, food and spending money. This financial balancing act can be problematic for anyone, let alone college students. Below we point out some common financial traps for college students to avoid and some tips for staying on budget.

How Do Registration Loans Work?

what do i need to get a title loan

Where do you turn to when an unexpected, costly life emergency pops up? The average person is not going to have $3,000 just sitting around waiting for an emergency to happen. Life can be expensive. Most people will seek out an auto title loan to help bridge the gap. But what do you do when you are still making payments towards your vehicle and the title is not in your name? Say hello to registration loans. (more…)

How to Get Quick Personal Loans

hacks to increase credit score fast

Picture this all too real-life scenario: You’re just involved in a car accident and are at fault. Everyone is okay, but the other vehicle involved has some heavy damage. Unfortunately for you, collision insurance is expensive and you are already in debt with student loans. The damage costs outweigh your savings account by a bit. What do you do? How do you pay? This is where quick personal loans from Tio Rico come to the rescue. Below we discuss how to obtain quick personal loans for those emergency life situations. (more…)

Travel Light and Save Money Like a Pro

personal finance tips

Summer is not quite over, and September is still a favorite time of year for people to venture out for a vacation or road trip. While vacationing and exploring is no doubt fun, it can also be expensive. Today we explore some personal finance tips on how to travel like a minimalist and save money while out on the road vacationing. (more…)

How to Make a Little Extra Cash Before Payday

payday cash loan

Where do you turn to when you are in a financial pinch? What do you do when a bill or financial situation pops up that calls for immediate attention and action? Sometimes, we just can’t wait for payday. Many employers only disperse payment twice a week or even once a month. This does not help when you need money today. Below we discuss alternatives on how to make a little extra cash before payday. (more…)

Borrowing Money Can Be Quick and Easy

fast cash loans

When you need a quick infusion of cash, where do you turn to? Over the past few years, most financial institutions have aggressively tightened their collective purse strings due to economic conditions and lending regulations, making it nearly impossible to obtain a quick, cash loan. This is not helpful when you have a timely electrical or mortgage bill past due that requires immediate attention. Say hello to the Auto Title Loan. Tio Rico Te Ayuda is the king of fast cash loans, including title loans. Below we dive in on what a title loan is, and how to obtain one. (more…)

A Complete Guide to Getting a Vehicle Title Loan

man driving car

Money. It’s never around when you need it most. And when you do need it, how can you not only get it but get it FAST? Obtaining a loan from a bank or other financial institution can take what feels like forever, not to mention the piles of paperwork. When you need money, you need it immediately. A great alternative to conventional loans is a vehicle title loan. Below we discuss what a title loan is, how to apply and more. (more…)

The Best Ways to Manage Your Finances with Your Partner

Couple laughing

Adults lead busy and hectic lives. Personal time is a premium and it’s challenging enough to manage your own finances. But it can be stressful to joint manage you and your partner’s finances. Just as it took time for you and your partner to develop a loving relationship, it will also take a little time to learn how to effectively manage your new joint budget. Below we discuss some tips on the best ways to manage your finances with your partner and where an Arizona title loan may help. (more…)

Title Loans in Arizona: Lenders That Locals Trust

man signing a check on a desk

If money is tight and you come up a little short when it comes time to pay your monthly bills or make an unexpected big purchase, it’s easy to feel defeated or even overwhelmed. What many people don’t know is that auto title loan can help when you need reliable fast cash. What most people don’t realize is that title loans can help out getting the money you need. You may be wondering “where do I get title loans near me?” or “what are the incentives for getting a short-term loan ?”. Let us help by explaining what we offer and how we have become a lender of title loans Arizona residents have come to trust. (more…)

What You Need to Know About Getting a Title Loan

Arizona desert man leaping from one rock to another

Financial problems can pop up out of the blue when we least expect them. Life can happen in the blink of an eye, and life is not cheap. Health problems can arise with unexpected medical bills, which add up quick. Whatever the financial scenario is, it’s nice to know that title loans and quick personal loans are options. But where do you turn to when your credit history is preventing you from obtaining a loan? Look no further than Tio Rico Te Ayuda, offering loans for bad credit AZ. (more…)